Why you should use WhatsApp for Call Deflection

February 3, 2023

Why call deflection to WhatsApp is essential for customer service

Modern consumers are accelerating the embrace of digital channels for customer service. Once you've incorporated digital channels into your strategy, you must market them to ensure that users are aware of them. The effective method for doing this is call deflection, which guarantees that more clients are engaged swiftly and individually via WhatsApp.

WhatsApp call deflection explained?

Incoming phone calls can be diverted via the call deflection technology to WhatsApp.

With call deflection callers can choose to move the call to WhatsApp rather than holding or leaving a voicemail. When the caller chooses to start a WhatsApp chat, a message of your choice is sent to the customer for them to reply to and continue the conversation.

How does WhatsApp call deflection work?

If a caller wishes to start a WhatsApp chat we ask them to select a number on their keypad , say number 1. Once pressed, we confirm the number they are calling from is linked to their WhatsApp account, if so, the message of choice is sent to the customer. Should they not be calling from their WhatsApp number, maybe it is a landline, we ask the caller to enter their WhatsApp number and the message is sent there.

We have not found a phone system to date that our technology cannot be integrated with in partnership with your telecommunications provider.

What benefits does WhatsApp call deflection offer?

Your business can gain from routing phone calls to WhatsApp by doing the following:

- reduction in number of calls received

- rapid response times mean that callers no longer have to hold while their questions are answered

- customers are happy that their enquiry is being dealt with and not having to stay on the line

- the team are more efficient, because unlike a phone call, an agent can have many chats on WhatsApp at once

- clear ROI on time savings

Call deflection results in improved customer satisfaction

Call deflection is a fantastic technique to enhance customer satisfaction. Not being able to get through to your business on the phone is a customers largest frustration with 73% of customers saying this is their biggest frustrations when dealing with businesses.

Companies now have a way to combat these prolonged wait times thanks to call deflection to WhatsApp. Customer contact is simpler to manage thanks to WhatsApp's asynchronous nature with customers happy to go about theur day replying when they are able to.

Stitch offers call deflection and messaging solutions based around the WhatsApp API and made significant savings to hundreds of businesses who deploy our solutions.

Get in touch to find out more!

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